
Update: 8-1

  Dear family and friends,  This has indeed been quite a year.     The lung surgery which removed a tumour went well, and Linda has bounced back quicker than we thought.     Yay! Unfortunately, in talking with the thoracic doctor yesterday concerning the pathology report, we learned that Lin’s PMP cancer has metastasized into her right lung.    A very rare occurrence for PMP to spread outside the abdominal area, but not entirely unexpected.   So, we will be discussing how we move forward with our wonderful oncologist, Dr. MacNeill, in the next few weeks.    The bright side is that this type of cancer tends to be slow growing so we are thankful for that. We have lived with this cancer for the past 13 years and we will continue to think positively and live boldly!!    Stay tuned for further updates, but please know we are doing okay and savouring each and every day!    Hope you do, too!!


 Just back from a full walk around our strata, some huffing, but we made it!!  I had an uninterrupted 12 hour sleep last night, wow, forgot what it feels like to be fully rested!


 Good morning! A wee update…boy, did we sleep for the last couple of days! Lin is finally over the chaos of ‘are there ANY heavy duty pain meds that she’s not allergic to’ phase. We’re moving on to T3’s which are doing the job. And she’s been diligent about doing the prescribed exercises. No pneumonia is going to flourish in this house! Today, a shower and dressing change are on the agenda. Then, after a rest, a walk to the mailbox. It is sooooooo good to be homeπŸ‘πŸ»


 And we’re home. Lin is on the couch watching y&r. We’ve had some questions about the relatively short hospital stay. We’re thinking it’s because of the different surgical procedure, laparoscopic. No huge incisions to heal. Plus, the surgery involved just her lung, not the whole abdominal cavity like previous PMP surgeries. The surgeon said the excised wedge was large but there is still lots of lower right lung remaining. And we’ll hear exactly what that beast was in a couple of weeks. For now, healing time and exercises!


 πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£ And we’re going home TODAY!! Lots to do before we exit, tubes to pull, drugs to get, truck to find (hahaha, I know it’s in the KGH parking lot).

Day 3-1

 Good morning. Lin has had her chest X-ray, now waiting for results. Still hoping to whisk her away from here! Our cheers about the dilaudid/Benadryl combo were for naught. Once the Benadryl wore off, the allergic symptoms reared up. She’s okay but it was a tough night. Whatever pain meds that they’ve given her are working. She’s snoozing right now.

Day 2-3

End of Day 2 which can be harder than surgery day, but Lin is doing great. We are almost impressed with KGH. This morning, the hospital pharmacist came to chat with Lin. The pain meds were not doing their job and the pharmacist decided to try Lin on a drug that we thought she was allergic to, but add a Benadryl to the mix. And that worked…stronger pain meds means more walks and the Benadryl means no pesky itching. Right now, she’s comfortable and snoozing. We’re still unsure if tomorrow is release day, probably won’t know until tomorrow morning after the X-ray of her lung. But if it’s another day here, so be it! This is still the shortest hospital visit for Lin since we started this journey. I went for a walk this aft to Pandosy Village and wasn’t that a lovely surprise! We will definitely come back there to explore more.